Leaders Guide

Thank you for taking on the challenge of Huddle Leader.

God is using you to engage, equip and empower your Huddle in ways you can’t imagine!

Whether at camp or in a Huddle, here are a few tips to effectively lead during the meeting.


• Pray for Your Huddle

Ask God to use your time together to touch the heart of every person. Expect God to challenge and change people.

• Be Prepared.

Your personal preparation can make a huge difference in the group experience. Read the lesson before and be prepared to answer questions.

• Set the Tone.

Engage the group in a way that fits your style and temperament. People may feel nervous during the Huddle, so put them at ease when they arrive. • Share Resources. Make sure each Huddle member has their own copy of the handbook and God’s Word, either in print or digital. Encourage the group to follow along with the teaching.


Make It Fun.

The icebreakers, games and questions developed specifically to introduce the daily theme can be are accessed here.


Talk it Over.

The main study should be a discussion, not a lecture.

Resist the temptation to do all the talking or answer your own questions.

Don’t let one person dominate, but also don’t pressure quieter members to speak.

After one person answers, ask what other people think or have to say in response.

• Ask Questions.

Ask open-ended or leading questions in addition to the discussion questions outlined in the meeting. Ask questions like:

  • “What led you to that conclusion?”

  • “Which Scripture supports your response?”

  • “What stood out to you in the verses we just read?”

  • “How does this resonate with you as a competitor?”

  • “What real-life experience can you share about this?”

  • “How can you apply this truth to your life?”

  • “What do you do think God is asking you to do in response?”

Detour When Necessary.

If an important question is raised or someone shares something personal, take time to discuss it. Stop and pray for them right then. Try to keep the group on track, but allow the Holy Spirit room to maneuver and follow His prompting when the discussion changes direction.

Ask for Help.

Don’t feel like you need to have all the answers. You can simply respond, “I don’t know, but I’ll see if I can find an answer.”


Close with Prayer.

Be sensitive that some people in your group may be uncomfortable praying out loud, but this can also be a time to help people build their confidence to pray in a group. Consider having prayer times that ask people to just say a word or sentence of thanks to God.

End on Time.

Keep an eye on the clock. Be sensitive to time. It is always better to finish the Huddle with people wanting more rather than people walking away stressed because the meeting ran long.

Make Relationships the Goal.

At the end of each meeting, there are suggestions to help apply the biblical truths outside of the Huddle. This is a great way to build community and strengthen relationships. Try these ideas together, hold one another accountable and then share the following week how it went.