WHAT is your 24/7?

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” -Romans 15:13


What does your 24/7 look like? Each day presents an opportunity to get better, but to achieve our goals, we believe we must be “on” all the time. Time to train harder. Time to study smarter. Time to manage our relationships. Time to do more. There is a constant fight without a single day of rest. Striving for excellence becomes a struggle to stay above the daily grind. It’s impossible to find balance in the 24/7 pace of demands.

What if we could trade burnout for being present? What if we could let go of the pressure for a bigger perspective? What if we could replace the constant pace for peace? What if we could go from over- whelmed to overflowing?

God says we can. We just need a reset. We need a new perspective on winning. We need to redefine our priorities. We need to take back our time and fill it with the presence of Jesus. Each day presents an

opportunity to grow in our relationships and live in the joy of the moment.

What will you do with your 24/7?

24/7 Ministry


  • When Christ resets my perspective, I’m free in Him.

    Verse: Psalm 46:10

  • Through Christ, Ihave a new identity and purpose in Him.

    Verses: Ephesians 4:22–24

  • God refuels me with a joy and hope that overflow into every aspect of my life.

    Verse: Ephesians 3:19

  • I am ready to go and make disciples out of the overflow of Christ in me.

    Verse: 1 Thessalonians 3:12



These four topics were designed to fit together for a complete message at camp. It’s not recommended to completely skip any of the topics. If you need to cover the contents in fewer meeting times, decide to focus more on one or two topics while hitting the high-lights in the others.


These four topics are intended to lead you on the journey of overwhelmed to overflowing through God’s Word with this theme. Each meeting can be used over the course of a semester or a sports season with your Huddle.


A template is added to the end of each meeting. This inductive Bible study method is focused on diving deeper into God’s Word. You can use these with athletes and coaches with-in camps, Huddles or any ministry program.

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